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Coaches Corner

What are the steps to become a coach?

USA Hockey and the Coaching Education Program require both certification and registration to be eligible to coach. Registration is done online on a yearly basis. Certification is also required.

A few basic requirements are as follows:

White Bear Hockey Requirements

USA Hockey Requirements

You can log into your USA Hockey account to verify your coaching credentials.

Coaching Education Program Requirements

  • Find, register and attend the required certification clinic. (Cost is $40 plus any lunch fees if applicable) You can only attend one clinic per season. (The coaching clinic season for Levels 1-3 officially runs from September 1 to December 31). Click here to find a clinic.
  • Complete the online age-specific module(s) for the age level of play you are coaching. (Cost is $10 per module) (The online modules are available from September 1 to December 31.) Click here for the modules.
  • Must attend the required clinic and complete the necessary online age-specific module(s) by December 31 of the current playing season to continue coaching on January 1.

Student Coaches

Attention ALL WBLAHA Coaches:

WBLAHA supports the use of student coaches on our youth teams.  However, there are USA Hockey guidelines in place :

  •  A Student Coach must be between the ages of 13 - 17 years old and currently registered through USA Hockey.
  • Student Coaches may only work with players at least ONE full playing age level down (i.e. a Peewee age player may be a Student Coach at the Squirt or Mite level.) 
  • Must complete the USA Hockey Student Coach Information FORM.   

If you are interested in having a Student Coach on your team, please submit the required FORM with the required signatures to so the paperwork can be processed and the student coach can be added to your teams roster.

Coach Resources

Coaching Expense Forms

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